아이팟 리셋 방법
아이팟 설명서에 다 나와 있는 것이고,
아이팟을 포장했던 투명 비닐에도 쓰여 있는 거지만...
1. HOLD 스위치를 껐다 켰다 해본다.
2. Menu와 Select 버튼을 동시에 누르고 화면에 애플 로고가 나올때까지 기다린다. (약 6-10초 걸려야 한다.)
3. 위의 두 과정을 다시 반복해 본다.
=== 아래는 인터넷에서 발견한 원문
March 14, 2005
iPod Reset
Ludwig has trouble getting his iPod to reset. It is actually quite complicated because resetting varies by type of iPod. Here's the official Apple document (which interestingly has a load google page rankResetting iPod if it appears frozen or doesn't respond. If your iPod is frozen or won't turn on, the steps to reset it vary by model. You can easily tell which iPod model you have if you're not sure.
To reset iPod video, iPod nano, iPod mini, iPod mini (Second Generation), iPod photo, and iPod (Click Wheel)
1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)
2. Press and hold the Menu and Select buttons until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.
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