금요일, 5월 25, 2007

만화 보는데는 ffview

만화 스캔 파일 보는데는 FFview 가 편리하다.
무엇보다도 zip 파일을 풀지 않은 상태에서 내용을 볼 수 있다는 것이 편리하다.

커맨드-+ 혹은 커맨드-- 로 그림을 확대 축소할 수 있다.

apple's speed record

Apple's Speed Record
Rachel Rosmarin, 04.09.07, 6:08 PM ET

Burlingame, Calif. -

Apple marked yet another milestone in the iPod's five-and-a-half-year long march toward ubiquity when it announced Monday it had sold 100 million of the pocket-sized music players.

While Apple (nasdaq: AAPL - news - people ) won't own up to how many of those 100 million are second or third iPods for gadget-loving owners (see "Apple Says Buy Another iPod"), the company insists the iPod is the fastest-selling music player in history. That doesn't make it the best-selling music player in history, though. That honor goes to Sony's (nyse: SNE - news - people ) Walkman product line, which has moved 350 million units since 1979.

But give Apple credit. It took Sony 13 and a half years to sell its first 100 million cassette playing units, and few other consumer electronics devices have passed the 100 million mark at all. There's Sony's PlayStation 2, which hit 100 million in five years and eight months, and the original PlayStation, which took 10 years. Nintendo's (other-otc: NTDOY - news - people ) portable Game Boy system got there in 11 years.

So will anyone else ever come close to moving as many gizmos as fast as Apple and Sony have been able to? Not likely. By the end of March 2007, Sony had sold between 4.5 million and 6 million of its new PlayStation 3's worldwide. The company would have to sell 1.4 million units a month for the next 64 months to beat the record. And right now Sony is selling only about 150,000 units a month.

And outside of the videogame world, hardly any other brand-name devices seem set to reach the 100 million barrier. Even those devices that seem to be ubiquitous still have a long way to go. Research in Motion's (nasdaq: RIMM - news - people ) BlackBerry? A mere 7 million subscribers.

Motorola's (nyse: MOT - news - people ) Razr phone, which seems to hang off ever ear across the country, has shipped to an impressive 60 million consumers, but it looks as if the product line's best days have passed. And forget Microsoft's (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) Zune music player--the company's only public sales forecast puts the device at 1 million units by the end of June 2007.


레오파드가 늦는 진짜 이유는...

the truth about switching

Poke around the net for a while searching for information on what it’s like to switch to a Mac, and you’ll quickly get a face full of hyperbole, zealots, platform bigots, feature weenies, and naysayers - from both the Windows and Mac camps.
But there are precious few places to get an honest word about what it’s like to switch, other than some deeply technical face-offs. So, I’ve been taking notes for the past few years, and thought I’d write them down.
Before I get into things, I should say that I’ve been a happy Mac user for 3 or 4 years, but spent most of the 10+ years before that quite enamored with Windows and DOS as well.
So, here’s what it’s like to switch to a Mac, without all the whining and


Apple: America's best retailer

Apple: America's best retailer

The high-tech wundercompany has landed - not only on our street corners and in our malls, but also for the first time, on the top 10 of Fortune's Most Admired Companies.

By Jerry Useem, Fortune contributing editor


일요일, 5월 20, 2007

삼성 250GB HDD 하드디스크 사용

삼성의 250GB HDD를 넥스트 350N 외장 하드 케이스에 넣어 아이맥에서 포맷하고 백업에 사용하였다. 우선 외장하드를 고속 USB 케이블로 직접 아이맥 뒤 USB 포트에 연결하였다.
(90GB 정도를 백업할 예정이니 아무래도 속도가 중요해서 결정한 일이다.)

외장하드의 전원을 켜자마자 "initialize?" 대화상자가 나타나고,
그러자고 하자 disk utility가 실행된다.

파티션을 두 개로 하고, nextmac 110, NEXTDOS120 으로 이름을 지어 주었다.
110은 맥파일시스템 저널, 120은 파티션 Options... 에서 MS-DOS 용으로 포맷한다고 하였다.
금방 파티션이 끝났다.

아이맥 내장 하드에서 파일을 복사해보니 23GB 정도를 33분에 복사한다고 하는 메시지가 나온다. 정확히 초시계를 사용한 것은 아니지만 대략 만족스러운 전송속도가 나온다.

3.5인치 외장하드 케이스 구입 설치

변선생 책상위의 푸른 다이오드가 빛나는 외장하드 케이스가 눈에 들어왔다.
문득 DVD로 백업하느라고 시간 보내느니 대용량 하드로 저장 서버를 만드는 방법에 관심이 생겼다. 게다가 divx player를 구입하면 일석 이조 아닌가.
아이코다에 알아보니 E-IDE 하드를 설치할 수 있는 USB 2.0 넥스트의 같은 제품이 20000원.
(변선생은 35,000원이라고 했는데...? 아마 S-ATA도 가능한 콤보 제품?)
당장 삼성 250GB 하드 두 개와 함께 주문했다.

하루만에 배송되어 온 것을 조립하였다.

- 블루 다이오드 멋있다
- 하드가 움직이면 다이오드가 깜빡인다
- 케이스도 블랙과 실버가 있는데 난 블랙!
- 팬이 없어서 조용하고, 안쓰면 스스로 하드작동을 멈춘다. (이건 하드 디스크의 기능?)

- 내장 하드의 발열 부분이 애매..
- 하드 고정나사 4개, 뚜껑 고정 나사 4개를 풀어야 하드 교체 가능
- 세로택 2.5인치 제품처럼 쉽게 바꾸기 어렵다
- 외장 전원이 노트북 전원만하다
- 기판을 그냥 밀어넣고, 납땜 부분을 스폰지로 실링해서 조금 불안한 배치

토요일, 5월 12, 2007

macMAME 0.103u2

추억의 오락실 게임으로 불리는 MAME 롬 파일을 티스토리에서 우연히 발견하였다.
겔러거를 다시 해보고 싶어서 매킨토시용 MAME을 찾았다.

MacMame을 처음 시동하면 사용자의 documentation/MacMameUserData 폴더를 만든다.
정상적으로 "quit"을 한 후, 다운받은 롬 파일을 .zip 형태 그대로 /ROM 폴더에 넣는다.
다시 MacMame을 시동한다.

숫자 5로 코인을 넣고, 숫자 1을 누르면 시작이다.
슈팅 키는 컨트롤, 옵션, 사과 키중의 하나고
좌우커서키로 이동한다.

화요일, 5월 08, 2007

top 30 mistakes for mac osx user

Here's a precis list of things that TUAW and its users said in comments, and a few of my own:

1. Closing an application window, thinking it has quit.

2. Downloading an app and running it from the disk image.

3. Creating endless untitled folders

4. Using Safari's Google search to get to a website

5. Confusing the concept of wallpaper with screensaver

6. Double-clicking a window thinking it will maximise it, but instead sending it to the dock

7. Not understanding the usefulness of column view and leaving everything in icon view

8. Not using any keyboard shortcuts

9. Thinking that now they've got rid of Windows they won't have problems of _any_ sort on their Mac

10. Renaming desktop icons to random characters because they don't understand the difference between the enter and the return key on Mac. (Enter puts an icon into rename mode).

11. People trying to find the menus on a window, not realising they're always at the top of the screen

12. Trying to resize windows from the edge rather than the drag area on the corner

13. Trying to use the CTRL key rather than CMD key for shortcuts.

14. Thinking it'll be easy to get a stuck CD out.

15. Installing a program every time they want to run it because they think the installer _is_ the program.

16. Where's "the internet"? (looking for the Windows Internet Explorer "e" icon)

17. Repeatedly hitting the Apple key expecting the Apple menu to pop up (confused with Windows Key and Start Menu concept)

18. Thinking the green "+" button maximises a window to full screen (not realising that Apple's maximise philosophy is to only make a window as big as it needs to be to comfortably fit the width of content currently being displayed)

19. Looking in vain for an uninstaller app, because they don't realise that uninstalling an application on Mac is as easy as dragging the program icon into the trash.

20. Minimising windows all the time rather than using "hide", leaving the document section of the doc littered with forgotten minimised windows (that are quietly occupying system resources).

21. Double-clicking dock icons.

22. Inadvertant click-drags and removing programs from the dock in the process.

23. Saving everything to the desktop or somewhere on the hard drive other than their home folder

24. Trying to load documents or programs multiple times because they don't recognise the progress indicators (sound of hard drive grinding, CD spinning, Mac spinning beachball, browser status bar)

25. Not understanding that the dock is used to both launch and return to a program …

26. Inability to work with multiple documents on-screen at the same time, because they have only ever learned to use Windows' maximise mode which always makes everything full-screen

27. Confusing "delete" with "backspace" (because Apple has two keys named "delete" on the keyboard, one of which does forward delete and the other backward delete. Way to go, usability geniuses).

28. Expecting "home" and "end" keys to go the beginning and end of a line, rather than beginning and end of a document.

29. Not realising that when you copy a folder over an existing one, OS X -replaces- the destination folder rather than merging the contents, which is what Windows does.

30. Looking for the "complicated" way of doing everything. For example, trying to go into system preferences and right-clicking on the networking icon in order to find available wireless networks, rather than just clicking on the Airport icon in the menu bar and selecting the relevant wireless network.

목요일, 5월 03, 2007

맥북이 잠자기에서 깨어나지 않다

iMac G5와 공유기를 이용하여 맥북을 둘 다 유선으로 네트웍을 형성하였다.
아이맥에서 맥북의 내 계정을 마운트 시키고
아이맥의 파일을 맥북으로 복사한 후
맥북을 디스마운트 시키려고 하니
맥북 화면이 검게 변하고 재시동 하라는 경고가 나온다.

같은 상황에서 맥북이 잠자기에 들어가 있으면
깨어나지 않는 경우가 종종 있었는데
이도 같은 이유때문이 아닐까?

화요일, 5월 01, 2007

smultron 3.0.4 mbook 설치

맥북에 smultron 3.0.4를 설치하였다. 맥북의 OS X 버젼이 10.4.9 라는 것을 확인하고 설치하였다. 산딸기 아이콘이 바뀌었다.